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Can You See Trouble Coming?
High-Risk groups like people with diabetes, young children under 5, asthmatics, the obese, pregnancy and more should look themselvesÂ
in the mirror and ask ,
âIs my life on the lineâ!
I think many people could pass away without need in the next few months. Many of these people will be young/strong. However, the high-risk groups could have the saddest stories.
Things happen in this world most times for a reason. What are the odds that you will win the Lotto? That is right slim to none. If something appears BY CHANCE, then shortly it happens again. Most likely, there is a good reason for it. The more chance appears, the higher the chance it is not a twist of fate.
Look at the swine flu when it first appeared to now. Many thought that it was weaker than the normal flu. But, the experts knew that if it has the genes it could be more deadly the second or third time it shows up. What has it done to help us know what it will do next?
Do not panic but keep your eyes on every move the swine flu makes soon. Here is why it could be a nightmare:Â
1. Spike in H1N1 Fatalities in Romania Raises Concerns
Secretary of State Adrian Streinu-Cercel said the case fatality rate or CFR in influenza A/H1N1 virus in the last six weeks increased from 0.1% to 1.32%. See these articles for more info.
2.  The microscope shows, the swine flu is 95% + the same as the 1918 flu. The 1918 flu was the worst ever.(It has the genes.)
3.  The death rate has grown; it was less than .1% in the U.S. at first. Now, in India it was over 8%. The 8% rate in India could be misleading due to many people not reporting their illness. The 1918 flu killed about 2.5% of people who caught it.
4.     The swine fluâs infection rate has leaped from 10/15% to 40% during the monsoon season in India. The monsoon season is less deadly than their normal flu season.  This caused an alert by the (NIV) the National Institute of Virology in Pune India.
5.     The 1918 flu was so deadly due to a high death rate/ infection rate %. That death rate was 2.5%-5%. And, the infection rate was a huge 50%. Recently, two people with the swine flu out of three died in Pennsylvania. This is of course a very high death rate. And who knows what it really means. However, that death rate could mean a more deadly germ is on the way soon.
People in the high-risk groups should get their flu shots ASAP!Do not worry it is safe. It is your best chance to avoid the flu. However, it will not work all the time. This is due partly to some strains of the flu not being part of the flu shot.
Recent test show the swine flu vaccine is safe/effective for people with asthma. The results appear online in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The following quote explains: âAsthma was the most common underlying health condition among those hospitalized in the United States with 2009 H1N1 influenza infection during the 2009-2010 influenza season,â NIAID director Anthony S. Fauci, MD, said in a press release. âThe results of this clinical trial show that the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine was safe and led to adequate production of antibodies thought to be protective against the virus.â Go to http://www.pediatricsupersite.com/view.aspx?rid=78631 for more information.
Many recent news articles warn the public of trouble ahead. The media should cover these stories more. People all over the world have become content. It is time to wake up/smell the coffee! The following news tells a story:
1.        GPs’ alarm as deadly swine flu returns with a vengeance
A. It turns out that many experts where wrong when they predicted a mild flu season this year.
B. The swine flu has killed 10 people in the past six weeks. This is a high number this early in the flu season.
To read MORE go to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1338383/GPs-alarm-deadly-swine-flu-returns-vengeance.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
2.        Increased Frequency of Severe and Fatal H1N1 In England
âThe numbers of severely ill patients have taken specialists by surprise because monitoring suggests low levels of swine flu in the communityâ. Think about the peak of the flu season when there may be many ill people. Many people are not getting their flu shots and the swine flu has evolved where some strains will evade what our vaccine offers. Percentages are a key point. It is like saying people in my family are smart. I expect my son/daughter to be smart. The high death/infection rates in India show a potential.
An increase in the levels of D225G could have a big effect on the ease of use of ICU beds/ECMO machines. This could cause less treatment options for severe cases. This is starting to happen in England at the start of the flu season. Meaning these strains could quickly spread.
D225G has a large link to death in 1918/ today. Its numbers are growing causing more severe/deadly cases. Surely, it will cause hospitals to run low on ICU beds/EMC machines. These are our tools to fight the severe cases. People could pass away because of the lack of our State-Of-The-Art-Tools. This is the beginning of the flu season in England and they are already starting to run low on their special tools to control tough flu cases. To read more go tohttp://www.recombinomics.com/News/12161002/H1N1_England_Severe_Frequency.html
3.        Swine flu warning to pregnant women in Northern Ireland
The swine flu virus has killed 21 people in Northern Ireland. The Public Health Agency issued a warning. Â The agency’s director of public health Dr Lorraine Doherty said that she feared pregnant women could be hardest hit by the virus.
The above statement shows how key it is that pregnant women get a flu shot and avoid the swine flu. For more information go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-11984635
Flu hits young children harder than adults
The flu hits adults hard. Is it bad or what? It can knock you to your knees and take your appetite away. You can ache all over and barely get out of bed. However, the flu attacks children even worse. It is a cruel fact of live. They are not as strong as we are therefore we must protect them. If they catch the swine flu, it can get serious quick. They could easily get severe ear infections, pneumonia, and die. To read more go to http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/nov/30/flu-hits-children-harder-than-adults/
There are many of these kinds of articles showing up daily. Special warning to the high-risk groups, which are people with diabetes, asthma, young children, obesity, pregnant women and more we love you. So prepare now the challenge is almost here. Get a FREE 165 pages multimedia and interactive flu end and cold end symptoms manual/guide today. Call 719-237-1167.  Â