We have heard that it’s extremely bad for you and we have heard that it’s extremely good for you.
Long has soy been a part of different Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan and so on. And we all know that they are healthier than their western counterparts by a long shot. I have heard that they don’t go crazy on soy and use as much as it as we are beginning to do now though.
That is part of our problem. We take something that we deem healthy or have heard is healthy and we overindulge. We need to learn to stop overeating and start eating what we need and in moderation.
But getting back to soy milk, I found many pages of advantages and dis-advantages that said the same things over and over again. I did not find many studies on the subject to back up some of the claims while of course other points are obvious such as low calcium or high fiber.
Keep in mind that most of the benefits and negatives I found could be argued either way and while some did have studies to back it up, the studies that I found had factors that could change the reasoning for such conclusions, such as in one study that looked at older Japanese men and their lifetime diet of soy and it was found that the men who consumed more soy were at a higher risk of low cognitive skills than men who did not. Although it was not taken into factor other parts of their diet as well, and the study took place in Hawaii instead of in Japan where more soy is consumed and with different growing conditions and other variables.
There are benefits to soy milk such as:
⢠Soy milk is high in proteins and contains more fiber than cows milk due to the fact it’s made from beans
⢠Soybeans have all of the essential amino acids our body requires which makes it a complete protein. They are the only plant food that can claim that.
⢠Soy milk is an aid in reducing high cholesterol.
⢠Soy milk can help to prevent and treat menopausal symptoms.
⢠Isoflavones are found in soy milk. They are quite similar to the hormone that we call estrogen. They are associated to the prevention of many cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis and more. They are also antioxidants which protect our cells and DNA against oxidation.
⢠Some studies have shown that cows milk can result in insulin dependent diabetes over time whereas consuming soy milk has not reflected this outcome.
⢠Only 0.5 percent of the children are allergic to soy milk, whereas 2.5 percent are allergic to cows milk.
The negatives of soy milk are:
⢠Calcium levels are not the greatest. Even though they do add calcium to soymilk it is still not as healthy as natural occurring calcium but calcium can be obtained from other sources like green leafy vegetables and almonds to name a couple.
⢠Soy food contains goitrogens. Goitrogens are compounds that interfere with thyroid function and in extreme cases can cause an enlarge thyroid. It is also contained in other foods as well. To rectify this eat a well balanced diet. If you are a vegan you should make an effort to include adequate sources of iodine in your diet.
⢠Estrogen is found is soy. Testosterone in males, including young boys, can be suppressed by ingesting soy products.
⢠Soy milk and infertility have been linked together and from the information I found, giving an baby soy formula is comparable to giving a baby up to five birth control pills per day but I also found that that research has been very limited in regards to the advantages and disadvantages to babies drinking soy formula.
⢠The increased level of estrogen can manipulate the menstrual cycle in women.
The other thing I want to state here is that most of the information that I have found about soy milk and soy products is not listed in benefits or cons but mostly as only one or the other. People seem very adamant about the way they feel about soy and because of their intensity I have started to question what is true and what is not true now.
For me, there is too little actual evidence that supports the health dangers to humans from soy; although, I don’t think I would take a chance with the claims about giving babies soy milk. There needs to be more research done.
The best statement I found was that ‘moderate amounts of soy foods have been eaten happily by entire civilizations for thousands of years’. And to me the key word is moderate. And what comes with moderate? Diversity. The two best things, I believe, you can do for your diet and health.
Isabelle is the owner of The Healthy Vegetarian. For all your vegetarian information, news, articles, and recipes visit us at http://www.thehealthyvegetarian.net.